Password Reset for Students

Updated: 2023/03/17
Article #: 40

To start, navigate to the password reset tool : HERE



Select "Forgot Password" :    



On the next page:

  1. Enter your student ID
  2. Enter the security Captcha characters
  3. Select "Continue"


On the next page:


  1. Select your personal email address to receive your unlock code from the dropdown
  2. Select "Continue"





On the next page:


  1. Enter in the code you received via email
  2. Select "Continue"


On the next page:

  1. Enter your new password twice, ensure they match and meet complexity requirements
  2. Select "Reset Password"





On the final page, you should receive confirmation that the password has been successfully changed.


Please allow up to 5 - 10 minutes for this to reflect on all systems.







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